Advanced Communications & Data has a company policy of network neutrality and open access. Advanced Communications &
Data believes the Internet is best experienced when there is no interference from your service provider. We also believe that
customers have a right to know how their Internet service is operated and managed, and they have the right to know that their
Internet access will be unfettered by others unduly manipulating their usage of the network. ACD.NET management policies prohibit
the discrimination of legitimate or legal use of network capacity bandwidth by application, source, destination of traffic or use
of the network.
Advanced Communications & Data employs best effort Internet delivery policy to ensure that any organization, institution or entity
connected, directly or indirectly, to the Advanced Communications & Data network or backbone may exercise choice in lawful Internet
content usage of an Advanced Communications & Data provided or competitor service. Advanced Communications & Data does not favor
any lawful Internet applications or content over others, and is committed to enabling competition among network providers, application and service providers, and content providers.
Advanced Communications & Data actively engages and encourages open settlement-free peering with providers and operators.
Advanced Communications & Data offers interconnection wherever technically feasible on reasonable rates and terms to be reached upon negotiation in good faith with requesting parties.
This policy is subject to requirements under the law and the needs of law enforcement.
Advanced Communications & Data provides open access and network neutrality because it is our policy.
Advanced Communications & Data as well is a recipient of American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
(also known as the Stimulus Act) funding. This act requires Advanced Communications & Data to post
a statement regarding our compliance with Network Neutrality and Open Access. To read more about our
Stimulus application please click here.