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Our Philosophy
As we look forward to the future, these principles guide our actions.
Focus on our constituents and people and all else will follow.
We are focused on the best experience for our customers, partners, and employees. Whether we are repairing a fiber line or installing a new service, we know that connectivity and reliability are paramount to your usage. All users, partners, and employees deserve to enjoy a reliable, fast, easy to use service and experience. Companies make money because they serve customers and their constituents well.
Our teamwork and diversity aid us in improving innovation.
Our team of people, customers, and partners help provide a fertile ecosystem for improving innovation.
It is best to do one thing really well.
Advanced Communications & Data operates networks and provides the best communication services. Broadband, Internet, Telephone, and Video services derived from our own network and systems. We focus all of our energies on improving our systems and infrastructure, and our ability to provide you with reliable and fast service. We are experts in communication technologies.
Do no harm.
Advanced Communications & Data is an economic entity that exists to serve you, our partners, employees, and society as a whole. We seek to make sure that we focus all energies on improving any interaction with ACD. We believe that companies represent the moral character of the owners, employees, partners, and customers.
Great is only one step to getting better.
We seek continuous improvement in every aspect of our existence. Complacency is the enemy of progress. Learning new ways to approach challenges only improves our abilities, and helps everyone around us.
Network Neutrality.
We believe the Internet and other communication networks should be free for use. We believe the exchange of information is the way knowledge is created. We seek to improve our own knowledge and those of our customers, partners, employees, and society as a whole.
Right to Privacy.
We believe that you have a right to privacy. We do not share information provided to us with any external entities or people. We also believe that Governments and Law enforcement should follow established procedures for obtaining information that is important for them to do their job to improve society. Advanced Communications & Data interprets the laws of the United States to require a subpoena prior to the release of confidential and customer-specific information to governmental entities. Therefore, Advanced Communications & Data does not participate in any FISA telephone monitoring program. Advanced Communications & Data complies with all laws.
Simple is Best.
Simple is Best. The simpler and more straight forward everything is, the better it is for our customers, partners, and employees.
Reliability and Monitoring go hand in hand.
Monitoring of our business, network, and our processes allows us to gather data to determine how best to improve ourselves. Monitoring customers' connections for reliability allows us to make sure we can fix any anomaly rapidly and improve the customer experience and minimize the risk of any future problems.
Standardization allows more customization.
By making simple things standard, we allow innovation to flourish because we have enough time to figure out new things. Standardization, allows us to focus our innovation. Standards should be adjusted and fine-tuned to accurately meet the needs of our business.
Preventative Maintenance.
Fix things before they break. Make sure systems are redundant to operate well while we are doing maintenance. Make maintenance and repair as non-invasive as possible.
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